
1.  The Gilder Lehrman Institute has podcasts, video, and curriculum modules for teachers and students, with primary source documents, quizzes, and learning tools.  This is a terrific site to explore, especially if you didn't have the chance to take western history as an undergrad.  The historians they feature are prominent and excellent.

2.  The Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford has masses of information organized by project (rural west, spatial history, high school curricula, among others).

3.  The Center of the American West at UC-Boulder has a strong presence at the border of history and policy.  They have downloadable reports on their many projects - abandoned mines, wildfires, energy initiatives, and ranch-land dynamics, among others.

4.  The Howard. R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders at Yale is in striking distance.  They have a strong western library collection, and host many conferences and events over the school year.

Online Communities

1.  H-West  Reviews, resources, and discussion.